[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” content_placement=”middle” parallax=”content-moving-fade” css=”.vc_custom_1543604720541{margin-top: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;background-image: url(https://www.cpehours.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/welcome-Background.jpg?id=1671) !important;}”][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
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Basics & Beyond, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual course for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.
[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”1708″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1472756303426{background-color: #5b5b5b !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text][rpt name=”1097″][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
* Registration begins April 20th. Early Registration Discount Deadline August 15th
Virtual Seminar Schedule
2020 Year-End Federal Tax Update
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587151111959{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_class=”webinarrow”][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]December 1, 2020[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]Tuesday
8 Credit Hours[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]
9:00 – 5:30 EST
AJ Reynolds
Kristy Maitre
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”2020 Fall Topical Income Tax Update” btn_size=”block” btn_bg_color=”#4286a7″ btn_bg_hover_color=”#f99200″ btn_text=”Details & Pricing” modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”30″ close_icon_position=”popup-edge-top-right” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]
- Program Title: 2020 Basics & Beyond Year-End Update
- Date: Tuesday December 1, 2020
- CPE credits: 8
- Time: 9-5:30 EST
- Course Number:
- YH1DR-U-00151-20-I – Federal Tax Law Update ( 4 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-T-00149-20-I – General Tax ( 3 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-E-00147-20-I – Ethics ( 1 Credit Hours )
- Field(s) of Study: Taxes & Ethics
- Level: Intermediate
- Presenter: AJ Reynolds, Kristy Maitre
- Register Now
2020 Income Tax Legislation: Let us provide you with an overview of new and proposed legislation, significant cases, IRS rulings and pronouncements. Though it is an election year, Congress and the President will be looking at TCJA 2.0 and whether those provisions that expire at the end of 2019 will be renewed and whether the TCJA will be made permanent. In addition, a review of new guidance issued and a forms review of changes that we face in the 2020 tax forms.
QBI, CARES and Secure Act Unique Year End Issues: We will present you with the new developments regarding §199A changes. We now have two seasons under our belt and QBI is still a struggle for some. The class will review QBI and the changes to the Form 1099 PATR for 2020. The Secure Act has many issues that will impact year-end planning, we will take a look at those and other issues that may impact your client at year end. Finally, CARES brought many challenges in 2020 and will continue to be an issue during the 2021 tax season. A review of some the more obscure issues will be included.
Meals and Entertainment under the TCJA: The TCJA made significant changes to meals and entertainment. Let’s review the guidance issued so we can better serve our client population.
IRC 121 and the Primary Residence: The Internal Revenue Code has fortified home ownership through provisions allowing deductions for mortgage interest, mortgage insurance premium, real estate taxes and the IRC Section 121 exclusion. This session will explore the tax consequences of qualified use, non-qualified use, conversion of primary residence to rental property, home office use, and other scenarios that have tax implications.
Ethics – The Creative Tax Professional: With our discussion in the fall on the frivolous tax return, we will take an additional leap into where law begins and creatively can get you in trouble. This segment is directly related to your professional responsibilities and includes examples where you decide whether a line has been crossed, are we on the line or the ethics/decision allows you to sleep at night. Be prepared to discuss some the issues we will raise and the pros and cons. We hope for a lively discussion from our audience as we take a look at the fine line between leaping at first glance and contemplation before you leap. In addition, current updates on ethical opinions from national and state organizations are included.
S-Corporation Basis Issues: As we struggle with new law to provide basis information if a loss is incurred, we will review the basic of S Corporation basis issues as well as an overview of the changes to the 1120-S K-1.
Centralized Partnership Audit Regime: This section will focus on the new series of forms issued concerning the Centralized Partnership Audit Regime. One of the key issues on IRS’s project list is full implementation of the new partnership audit regime.
• Understanding the “election out” process.
• New forms and any new guidance will be shared.
Preparing for the 2021 Tax Season and the Coronavirus Impact
The 2021 tax season could be one of most challenging season tax professionals will face. This class is a catch all, we will discuss issues that have not been discussed in other sessions and update you on new guidance. Introduce you to new forms and changes. The point is to prepare you for tax season and provide you with the tools you need to assist your client and navigate the 2021 tax season.
Fall Topical Update |
$219 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Year-End Update |
$249 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Both Seminars |
$329 | Best Value | Register Now |
[/ultimate_modal][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587151111959{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_class=”webinarrow”][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]December 3, 2020[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]Thursday
8 Credit Hours[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]
10:00 – 6:30 EST
AJ Reynolds
Kristy Maitre
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”2020 Fall Topical Income Tax Update” btn_size=”block” btn_bg_color=”#4286a7″ btn_bg_hover_color=”#f99200″ btn_text=”Details & Pricing” modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”30″ close_icon_position=”popup-edge-top-right” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]
- Program Title: 2020 Basics & Beyond Year-End Update
- Date: Thursday December 3, 2020
- CPE credits: 8
- Time: 10-6:30 EST
- Course Number:
- YH1DR-U-00151-20-I – Federal Tax Law Update ( 4 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-T-00149-20-I – General Tax ( 3 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-E-00147-20-I – Ethics ( 1 Credit Hours )
- Field(s) of Study: Taxes & Ethics
- Level: Intermediate
- Presenter: AJ Reynolds, Kristy Maitre
- Register Now
2020 Income Tax Legislation: Let us provide you with an overview of new and proposed legislation, significant cases, IRS rulings and pronouncements. Though it is an election year, Congress and the President will be looking at TCJA 2.0 and whether those provisions that expire at the end of 2019 will be renewed and whether the TCJA will be made permanent. In addition, a review of new guidance issued and a forms review of changes that we face in the 2020 tax forms.
QBI, CARES and Secure Act Unique Year End Issues: We will present you with the new developments regarding §199A changes. We now have two seasons under our belt and QBI is still a struggle for some. The class will review QBI and the changes to the Form 1099 PATR for 2020. The Secure Act has many issues that will impact year-end planning, we will take a look at those and other issues that may impact your client at year end. Finally, CARES brought many challenges in 2020 and will continue to be an issue during the 2021 tax season. A review of some the more obscure issues will be included.
Meals and Entertainment under the TCJA: The TCJA made significant changes to meals and entertainment. Let’s review the guidance issued so we can better serve our client population.
IRC 121 and the Primary Residence: The Internal Revenue Code has fortified home ownership through provisions allowing deductions for mortgage interest, mortgage insurance premium, real estate taxes and the IRC Section 121 exclusion. This session will explore the tax consequences of qualified use, non-qualified use, conversion of primary residence to rental property, home office use, and other scenarios that have tax implications.
Ethics – The Creative Tax Professional: With our discussion in the fall on the frivolous tax return, we will take an additional leap into where law begins and creatively can get you in trouble. This segment is directly related to your professional responsibilities and includes examples where you decide whether a line has been crossed, are we on the line or the ethics/decision allows you to sleep at night. Be prepared to discuss some the issues we will raise and the pros and cons. We hope for a lively discussion from our audience as we take a look at the fine line between leaping at first glance and contemplation before you leap. In addition, current updates on ethical opinions from national and state organizations are included.
S-Corporation Basis Issues: As we struggle with new law to provide basis information if a loss is incurred, we will review the basic of S Corporation basis issues as well as an overview of the changes to the 1120-S K-1.
Centralized Partnership Audit Regime: This section will focus on the new series of forms issued concerning the Centralized Partnership Audit Regime. One of the key issues on IRS’s project list is full implementation of the new partnership audit regime.
• Understanding the “election out” process.
• New forms and any new guidance will be shared.
Preparing for the 2021 Tax Season and the Coronavirus Impact
The 2021 tax season could be one of most challenging season tax professionals will face. This class is a catch all, we will discuss issues that have not been discussed in other sessions and update you on new guidance. Introduce you to new forms and changes. The point is to prepare you for tax season and provide you with the tools you need to assist your client and navigate the 2021 tax season.
Fall Topical Update |
$219 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Year-End Update |
$249 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Both Seminars |
$329 | Best Value | Register Now |
[/ultimate_modal][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587151111959{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_class=”webinarrow”][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]December 5, 2020
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]Saturday
8 Credit Hours[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]
9:00 – 5:30 EST
AJ Reynolds
Kristy Maitre
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”2020 Fall Topical Income Tax Update” btn_size=”block” btn_bg_color=”#4286a7″ btn_bg_hover_color=”#f99200″ btn_text=”Details & Pricing” modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”30″ close_icon_position=”popup-edge-top-right” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]
- Program Title: 2020 Basics & Beyond Year-End Update
- Date: Saturday December 5, 2020
- CPE credits: 8
- Time: 9-5:30 EST
- Course Number:
- YH1DR-U-00151-20-I – Federal Tax Law Update ( 4 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-T-00149-20-I – General Tax ( 3 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-E-00147-20-I – Ethics ( 1 Credit Hours )
- Field(s) of Study: Taxes & Ethics
- Level: Intermediate
- Presenter: AJ Reynolds, Kristy Maitre
- Register Now
2020 Income Tax Legislation: Let us provide you with an overview of new and proposed legislation, significant cases, IRS rulings and pronouncements. Though it is an election year, Congress and the President will be looking at TCJA 2.0 and whether those provisions that expire at the end of 2019 will be renewed and whether the TCJA will be made permanent. In addition, a review of new guidance issued and a forms review of changes that we face in the 2020 tax forms.
QBI, CARES and Secure Act Unique Year End Issues: We will present you with the new developments regarding §199A changes. We now have two seasons under our belt and QBI is still a struggle for some. The class will review QBI and the changes to the Form 1099 PATR for 2020. The Secure Act has many issues that will impact year-end planning, we will take a look at those and other issues that may impact your client at year end. Finally, CARES brought many challenges in 2020 and will continue to be an issue during the 2021 tax season. A review of some the more obscure issues will be included.
Meals and Entertainment under the TCJA: The TCJA made significant changes to meals and entertainment. Let’s review the guidance issued so we can better serve our client population.
IRC 121 and the Primary Residence: The Internal Revenue Code has fortified home ownership through provisions allowing deductions for mortgage interest, mortgage insurance premium, real estate taxes and the IRC Section 121 exclusion. This session will explore the tax consequences of qualified use, non-qualified use, conversion of primary residence to rental property, home office use, and other scenarios that have tax implications.
Ethics – The Creative Tax Professional: With our discussion in the fall on the frivolous tax return, we will take an additional leap into where law begins and creatively can get you in trouble. This segment is directly related to your professional responsibilities and includes examples where you decide whether a line has been crossed, are we on the line or the ethics/decision allows you to sleep at night. Be prepared to discuss some the issues we will raise and the pros and cons. We hope for a lively discussion from our audience as we take a look at the fine line between leaping at first glance and contemplation before you leap. In addition, current updates on ethical opinions from national and state organizations are included.
S-Corporation Basis Issues: As we struggle with new law to provide basis information if a loss is incurred, we will review the basic of S Corporation basis issues as well as an overview of the changes to the 1120-S K-1.
Centralized Partnership Audit Regime: This section will focus on the new series of forms issued concerning the Centralized Partnership Audit Regime. One of the key issues on IRS’s project list is full implementation of the new partnership audit regime.
• Understanding the “election out” process.
• New forms and any new guidance will be shared.
Preparing for the 2021 Tax Season and the Coronavirus Impact
The 2021 tax season could be one of most challenging season tax professionals will face. This class is a catch all, we will discuss issues that have not been discussed in other sessions and update you on new guidance. Introduce you to new forms and changes. The point is to prepare you for tax season and provide you with the tools you need to assist your client and navigate the 2021 tax season.
Fall Topical Update |
$219 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Year-End Update |
$249 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Both Seminars |
$329 | Best Value | Register Now |
[/ultimate_modal][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587151111959{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_class=”webinarrow”][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]December 9, 2020[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]Wednesday
8 Credit Hours[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]
11:00 – 7:30 EST
Larry Johnson
Michael Miranda
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”2020 Fall Topical Income Tax Update” btn_size=”block” btn_bg_color=”#4286a7″ btn_bg_hover_color=”#f99200″ btn_text=”Details & Pricing” modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”30″ close_icon_position=”popup-edge-top-right” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]
- Program Title: 2020 Basics & Beyond Year-End Update
- Date: Wednesday December 9, 2020
- CPE credits: 8
- Time: 11-7:30 EST
- Course Number:
- YH1DR-U-00151-20-I – Federal Tax Law Update ( 4 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-T-00149-20-I – General Tax ( 3 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-E-00147-20-I – Ethics ( 1 Credit Hours )
- Field(s) of Study: Taxes & Ethics
- Level: Intermediate
- Presenter: Larry Johnson, Michael Miranda
- Register Now
2020 Income Tax Legislation: Let us provide you with an overview of new and proposed legislation, significant cases, IRS rulings and pronouncements. Though it is an election year, Congress and the President will be looking at TCJA 2.0 and whether those provisions that expire at the end of 2019 will be renewed and whether the TCJA will be made permanent. In addition, a review of new guidance issued and a forms review of changes that we face in the 2020 tax forms.
QBI, CARES and Secure Act Unique Year End Issues: We will present you with the new developments regarding §199A changes. We now have two seasons under our belt and QBI is still a struggle for some. The class will review QBI and the changes to the Form 1099 PATR for 2020. The Secure Act has many issues that will impact year-end planning, we will take a look at those and other issues that may impact your client at year end. Finally, CARES brought many challenges in 2020 and will continue to be an issue during the 2021 tax season. A review of some the more obscure issues will be included.
Meals and Entertainment under the TCJA: The TCJA made significant changes to meals and entertainment. Let’s review the guidance issued so we can better serve our client population.
IRC 121 and the Primary Residence: The Internal Revenue Code has fortified home ownership through provisions allowing deductions for mortgage interest, mortgage insurance premium, real estate taxes and the IRC Section 121 exclusion. This session will explore the tax consequences of qualified use, non-qualified use, conversion of primary residence to rental property, home office use, and other scenarios that have tax implications.
Ethics – The Creative Tax Professional: With our discussion in the fall on the frivolous tax return, we will take an additional leap into where law begins and creatively can get you in trouble. This segment is directly related to your professional responsibilities and includes examples where you decide whether a line has been crossed, are we on the line or the ethics/decision allows you to sleep at night. Be prepared to discuss some the issues we will raise and the pros and cons. We hope for a lively discussion from our audience as we take a look at the fine line between leaping at first glance and contemplation before you leap. In addition, current updates on ethical opinions from national and state organizations are included.
S-Corporation Basis Issues: As we struggle with new law to provide basis information if a loss is incurred, we will review the basic of S Corporation basis issues as well as an overview of the changes to the 1120-S K-1.
Centralized Partnership Audit Regime: This section will focus on the new series of forms issued concerning the Centralized Partnership Audit Regime. One of the key issues on IRS’s project list is full implementation of the new partnership audit regime.
• Understanding the “election out” process.
• New forms and any new guidance will be shared.
Preparing for the 2021 Tax Season and the Coronavirus Impact
The 2021 tax season could be one of most challenging season tax professionals will face. This class is a catch all, we will discuss issues that have not been discussed in other sessions and update you on new guidance. Introduce you to new forms and changes. The point is to prepare you for tax season and provide you with the tools you need to assist your client and navigate the 2021 tax season.
Fall Topical Update |
$219 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Year-End Update |
$249 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Both Seminars |
$329 | Best Value | Register Now |
[/ultimate_modal][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587151111959{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_class=”webinarrow”][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]December 10, 2020[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]Thursday
8 Credit Hours[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]
9:00 – 5:30 EST
Larry Johnson
Michael Miranda
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”2020 Fall Topical Income Tax Update” btn_size=”block” btn_bg_color=”#4286a7″ btn_bg_hover_color=”#f99200″ btn_text=”Details & Pricing” modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”30″ close_icon_position=”popup-edge-top-right” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]
- Program Title: 2020 Basics & Beyond Year-End Update
- Date: Thursday December 10, 2020
- CPE credits: 8
- Time: 9-5:30 EST
- Course Number:
- YH1DR-U-00151-20-I – Federal Tax Law Update ( 4 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-T-00149-20-I – General Tax ( 3 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-E-00147-20-I – Ethics ( 1 Credit Hours )
- Field(s) of Study: Taxes & Ethics
- Level: Intermediate
- Presenter: Larry Johnson, Michael Miranda
- Register Now
2020 Income Tax Legislation: Let us provide you with an overview of new and proposed legislation, significant cases, IRS rulings and pronouncements. Though it is an election year, Congress and the President will be looking at TCJA 2.0 and whether those provisions that expire at the end of 2019 will be renewed and whether the TCJA will be made permanent. In addition, a review of new guidance issued and a forms review of changes that we face in the 2020 tax forms.
QBI, CARES and Secure Act Unique Year End Issues: We will present you with the new developments regarding §199A changes. We now have two seasons under our belt and QBI is still a struggle for some. The class will review QBI and the changes to the Form 1099 PATR for 2020. The Secure Act has many issues that will impact year-end planning, we will take a look at those and other issues that may impact your client at year end. Finally, CARES brought many challenges in 2020 and will continue to be an issue during the 2021 tax season. A review of some the more obscure issues will be included.
Meals and Entertainment under the TCJA: The TCJA made significant changes to meals and entertainment. Let’s review the guidance issued so we can better serve our client population.
IRC 121 and the Primary Residence: The Internal Revenue Code has fortified home ownership through provisions allowing deductions for mortgage interest, mortgage insurance premium, real estate taxes and the IRC Section 121 exclusion. This session will explore the tax consequences of qualified use, non-qualified use, conversion of primary residence to rental property, home office use, and other scenarios that have tax implications.
Ethics – The Creative Tax Professional: With our discussion in the fall on the frivolous tax return, we will take an additional leap into where law begins and creatively can get you in trouble. This segment is directly related to your professional responsibilities and includes examples where you decide whether a line has been crossed, are we on the line or the ethics/decision allows you to sleep at night. Be prepared to discuss some the issues we will raise and the pros and cons. We hope for a lively discussion from our audience as we take a look at the fine line between leaping at first glance and contemplation before you leap. In addition, current updates on ethical opinions from national and state organizations are included.
S-Corporation Basis Issues: As we struggle with new law to provide basis information if a loss is incurred, we will review the basic of S Corporation basis issues as well as an overview of the changes to the 1120-S K-1.
Centralized Partnership Audit Regime: This section will focus on the new series of forms issued concerning the Centralized Partnership Audit Regime. One of the key issues on IRS’s project list is full implementation of the new partnership audit regime.
• Understanding the “election out” process.
• New forms and any new guidance will be shared.
Preparing for the 2021 Tax Season and the Coronavirus Impact
The 2021 tax season could be one of most challenging season tax professionals will face. This class is a catch all, we will discuss issues that have not been discussed in other sessions and update you on new guidance. Introduce you to new forms and changes. The point is to prepare you for tax season and provide you with the tools you need to assist your client and navigate the 2021 tax season.
Fall Topical Update |
$219 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Year-End Update |
$249 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Both Seminars |
$329 | Best Value | Register Now |
[/ultimate_modal][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587151111959{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_class=”webinarrow”][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]December 11, 2020[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]Friday
8 Credit Hours[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]
9:00 – 5:30 EST
Larry Johnson
Michael Miranda
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”2020 Fall Topical Income Tax Update” btn_size=”block” btn_bg_color=”#4286a7″ btn_bg_hover_color=”#f99200″ btn_text=”Details & Pricing” modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”30″ close_icon_position=”popup-edge-top-right” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]
- Program Title: 2020 Basics & Beyond Year-End Update
- Date: Friday December 11, 2020
- CPE credits: 8
- Time: 9-5:30 EST
- Course Number:
- YH1DR-U-00151-20-I – Federal Tax Law Update ( 4 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-T-00149-20-I – General Tax ( 3 Credit Hours )
- YH1DR-E-00147-20-I – Ethics ( 1 Credit Hours )
- Field(s) of Study: Taxes & Ethics
- Level: Intermediate
- Presenter: Larry Johnson, Michael Miranda
- Register Now
2020 Income Tax Legislation: Let us provide you with an overview of new and proposed legislation, significant cases, IRS rulings and pronouncements. Though it is an election year, Congress and the President will be looking at TCJA 2.0 and whether those provisions that expire at the end of 2019 will be renewed and whether the TCJA will be made permanent. In addition, a review of new guidance issued and a forms review of changes that we face in the 2020 tax forms.
QBI, CARES and Secure Act Unique Year End Issues: We will present you with the new developments regarding §199A changes. We now have two seasons under our belt and QBI is still a struggle for some. The class will review QBI and the changes to the Form 1099 PATR for 2020. The Secure Act has many issues that will impact year-end planning, we will take a look at those and other issues that may impact your client at year end. Finally, CARES brought many challenges in 2020 and will continue to be an issue during the 2021 tax season. A review of some the more obscure issues will be included.
Meals and Entertainment under the TCJA: The TCJA made significant changes to meals and entertainment. Let’s review the guidance issued so we can better serve our client population.
IRC 121 and the Primary Residence: The Internal Revenue Code has fortified home ownership through provisions allowing deductions for mortgage interest, mortgage insurance premium, real estate taxes and the IRC Section 121 exclusion. This session will explore the tax consequences of qualified use, non-qualified use, conversion of primary residence to rental property, home office use, and other scenarios that have tax implications.
Ethics – The Creative Tax Professional: With our discussion in the fall on the frivolous tax return, we will take an additional leap into where law begins and creatively can get you in trouble. This segment is directly related to your professional responsibilities and includes examples where you decide whether a line has been crossed, are we on the line or the ethics/decision allows you to sleep at night. Be prepared to discuss some the issues we will raise and the pros and cons. We hope for a lively discussion from our audience as we take a look at the fine line between leaping at first glance and contemplation before you leap. In addition, current updates on ethical opinions from national and state organizations are included.
S-Corporation Basis Issues: As we struggle with new law to provide basis information if a loss is incurred, we will review the basic of S Corporation basis issues as well as an overview of the changes to the 1120-S K-1.
Centralized Partnership Audit Regime: This section will focus on the new series of forms issued concerning the Centralized Partnership Audit Regime. One of the key issues on IRS’s project list is full implementation of the new partnership audit regime.
• Understanding the “election out” process.
• New forms and any new guidance will be shared.
Preparing for the 2021 Tax Season and the Coronavirus Impact
The 2021 tax season could be one of most challenging season tax professionals will face. This class is a catch all, we will discuss issues that have not been discussed in other sessions and update you on new guidance. Introduce you to new forms and changes. The point is to prepare you for tax season and provide you with the tools you need to assist your client and navigate the 2021 tax season.
Fall Topical Update |
$219 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Year-End Update |
$249 | Early Reg. Discount prior to 8/14/20 | Register Now |
Both Seminars |
$329 | Best Value | Register Now |