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Tax Webinars that Don’t Stink.


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Basics & Beyond, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual course for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.

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Tax Legislation Webinars


Excellent Value

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Unique Topics

QBI Deduction, Penalty Abatement & Much More

Amazing Presenters

Experienced Team of Professionals


Webinar Schedule



[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587151111959{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_class=”webinarrow”][vc_column width=”2/5″][vc_column_text]Tuesday December 7th, 2021

Amended or Superseded Returns – What is the Difference?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][vc_column_text]2:00-4:00 ET

2 Credit Hours[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][vc_column_text]Kristy Maitre
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”Amended or Superseded Returns – What is the Difference?” btn_size=”block” btn_bg_color=”#4286a7″ btn_bg_hover_color=”#f99200″ btn_text=”Details & Pricing” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”30″ close_icon_position=”popup-edge-top-right” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]

Description: Join us as we explore the amended return process. Tips on preparation and the difference between amending a return and how a superseded return may be possible if the timing is right. Do you have to amended due to a CP 2000, what is the best way to begin the process, does the amendment effect the state? Answers to many questions concerning both options.


1-4 Credit Hours $22.50/hr 25% Savings Register Now
5-12 Credit Hours $21/hr 30% Savings Register Now
Unlimited Credit Hours $199 75% Savings
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[/ultimate_modal][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587151111959{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_class=”webinarrow”][vc_column width=”2/5″][vc_column_text]Friday December 17th, 2021

Ethics: Part 1[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][vc_column_text]2:00-3:00 ET

1 Credit Hour[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][vc_column_text]Kristy Maitre
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”Ethics: Part 1″ btn_size=”block” btn_bg_color=”#4286a7″ btn_bg_hover_color=”#f99200″ btn_text=”Details & Pricing” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”30″ close_icon_position=”popup-edge-top-right” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]

Description: During the past several years, news rules have been adopted or proposed that impact how we interact with our clients. This segment will provide a look at the latest IRS regulations and changes to professional standards. We’ll look at the new ethics standards for Enrolled Agents, the updated CPA standards of professional conduct and other new professional standards for tax preparers. We’ll examine issues like independence, billing, conflicts of interest, communications, confidentiality, and a number of other ethical issues that may arise as you work with a tax client.


1-4 Credit Hours $22.50/hr 25% Savings Register Now
5-12 Credit Hours $21/hr 30% Savings Register Now
Unlimited Credit Hours $199 75% Savings
Best Value
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[/ultimate_modal][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587151111959{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_class=”webinarrow”][vc_column width=”2/5″][vc_column_text]Friday December 17th, 2021

Ethics: Part 2
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][vc_column_text]3:00-4:00 ET

1 Credit Hour[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][vc_column_text]Kristy Maitre
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”Ethics: Part 2″ btn_size=”block” btn_bg_color=”#4286a7″ btn_bg_hover_color=”#f99200″ btn_text=”Details & Pricing” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”30″ close_icon_position=”popup-edge-top-right” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]

Description: This session will review §10.22 Due Diligence requirements under Circular 230 and identify tips for meeting due diligence.


1-4 Credit Hours $22.50/hr 25% Savings Register Now
5-12 Credit Hours $21/hr 30% Savings Register Now
Unlimited Credit Hours $199 75% Savings
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[/ultimate_modal][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587151111959{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_class=”webinarrow”][vc_column width=”2/5″][vc_column_text]Thursday December 16th, 2021

Bit Coin & Virtual Currency
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][vc_column_text]2:00-3:00 ET

1 Credit Hour[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][vc_column_text]Kristy Maitre
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/5″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”Bit Coin & Virtual Currency” btn_size=”block” btn_bg_color=”#4286a7″ btn_bg_hover_color=”#f99200″ btn_text=”Details & Pricing” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”30″ close_icon_position=”popup-edge-top-right” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]

Description: An overall review of the current IRS guidance and explanation of the tax ramifications as well as an introduction to virtual currency and some of the terms you need to be aware of when dealing with clients who deal in this realm


1-4 Credit Hours $22.50/hr 25% Savings Register Now
5-12 Credit Hours $21/hr 30% Savings Register Now
Unlimited Credit Hours $199 75% Savings
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Select Business Expenses: Select Business Expenses will explore expenses/recordkeeping for ordinary and necessary expenses for all types of business entities. We will explore vehicle, meals, supplies, cost of goods sold, contract labor, charitable deduction and other types of expenses. Identify new law and special requirements for certain entities. If you are new or need a refresher attending this presentation is a must. CPE Credit: 2


Itemized Deductions: Medical, Taxes, Interest, & Casualty Losses: We have had some changes in this area in recent years, so it is time for a refresher. Sch A after the TCJA changed and limits were place on certain items. In addition, few individuals may be able to itemize than in the past, so we need to brush up on the issue. Medical expenses, interest, taxes, and charitable contributions will be reviewed. Learns what is new with the form and the expenses that are currently allowed and no longer applicable. CPE Credit: 2


Marijuana Tax Updates: Do you have clients that grow or sell marijuana? If so, attending this seminar will give what the law is related to sales and production of Marijuana. The law limits what is deductible, and we will emphasis recordkeeping and give you the low down on the issue to keep you clients in compliance. CPE Credit: 1


Business Use of Home: Learn the A, B, C’s of Business Use of Home as we explore the Standard Option and the Actual Expenses Option when taking the deduction. In some cases, this is a pay me now or pay me later issue that needs to be explained to the client. Who qualifies, what expenses are allowed, how to calculate for small business, working from home as an employee issue and determining space size and calculations. Day care calculation will be discussed but limited to calculations only. Daycare is too broad an issue to be covered in this timeframe. A discussion of audit issues will also be included. CPE Credit: 1


Adjustments to Income: We have had a few tax law changes with Adjustments to Income. A review of these key changes and current law will be discussed. Educator expenses, moving expenses for members of the Armed Forces, deductible part of self-employment tax, self-employed health insurance deduction, penalty on early withdrawal of savings, alimony paid and student loan interest. In addition, the charity deduction of cash and changes for 2021 will be included. CPE Credit: 1


Tax Research: When You Can Not afford to Subscribe to a Service: A live demonstration of how to use the internet to research a tax issue. You cannot afford an expensive tax research service, but the internet, if you know how to use it, is a valuable resource to research and find the answers you need. Live demonstrations on typical issues you need help or assistance in determining the answers when your client has questions. Last year our one-hour session was well received but the feedback stated, “We need more time.” The expanded session will allow us to explore more. CPE Credit: 1


Amended or Superseded Returns – What is the Difference?: Join us as we explore the amended return process. Tips on preparation and the difference between amending a return and how a superseded return may be possible if the timing is right. Do you have to amended due to a CP 2000, what is the best way to begin the process, does the amendment effect the state? Answers to many questions concerning both options. CPE Credit: 2


Bit Coin & Virtual Currency: An overall review of the current IRS guidance and explanation of the tax ramifications as well as an introduction to virtual currency and some of the terms you need to be aware of when dealing with clients who deal in this realm. CPE Credit: 1


COVID-19 Tax Law Implications Part 2 Additional Guidance & Form 7200: Join us for a follow up session. This second part of the series will address questions and cover other recently released guidance. We will provided examples of how to use Form 7200. CPE Credit: 1


COVID-19 Tax Law Implications Part 3 Retirement Update 2020: Both the Secure Act and the CARES Act made significant changes to Retirement and Planning for Retirement. Webinar topics will include: Repeals the maximum age for traditional IRA contributions, which is currently 70½. Increases the required minimum distribution (RMD) age for retirement accounts to 72 (up from 70½). Allows long-term, part-time workers to participate in 401(k) plans. Permits parents to withdraw up to $5,000 from retirement accounts penalty-free within a year of birth or adoption for qualified expenses. Allows parents to withdraw up to $10,000 from 529 plans to repay student loans. Small-business owners can receive a tax credit for starting a retirement plan, up to $5,000. The Act mandates that most non-spouses inheriting IRAs take distributions that end up emptying the account in 10 years. Waiver of 10% Early Withdrawal Penalty for Distributions of Up to $100,000 From Retirement Funds for Affected Individuals. Loan Rule Changes. Required Minimum Distribution Waiver. CPE Credit: 1


COVID-19 Tax Law Implications Part 4 Individual Update 2020: Individual Provisions of the CARES Act Webinar topics will include: Newly released Information on issues that impact Individuals, Updates on the Stimulus – On-Line IRS Programs to Provide Bank Information, Above the Line Charitable Deductions  – 2020 Tax Form Change, Food Inventory Donation, Student Loan Payments, Secure Act Issues: Increase the age at which minimum distributions must begin to 72, Expansion of Section 529 education savings plans, Kiddie tax changes, Taxable non-tuition fellowship and stipend payments are, Tax-exempt difficulty-of-care payments are treated as compensation. Additional material on Form Changes as Released. us for a follow up session. CPE Credit: 1


COVID-19 Tax Law Implications Part 5 Business Update 2020: Our Business update will cover Recent Guidance on the CARES Act concerning: Business Charitable Contributions, Net operating Losses, Excess Business Losses, Qualified Improvement property, Corp 100% AMT Credit, Business Interest Easing, Recent guidance and FAQ that will help to understand issues. CPE Credit: 1


COVID-19 Tax Law Implications Part 6 IRS Updates 2020: Are you prepared to effectively plan for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness?
With PPP loan payments starting to be disbursed to approved borrowers, now is the time to begin planning how you will spend the funds, and document that spending over the next eight weeks to ensure you receive the full loan forgiveness you are entitled to. New regulations will be discussed as the Federal Government makes additional enhancements to the CARES Act. CPE Credit: 1


COVID-19 Tax Law Implications Part 7: PPP Loan Forgiveness: Expanded due dates – a review – are you aware of all the new due dates and expanded guidance?, Where are we with estimates?, Installment Agreements, Enforcement Issues, IRS New Online Programs, State Extended Dates, Delay of Payments, Unemployment Issues, Get Up -to- Date on new guidance issued. CPE Credit: 1


“Do the Right Thing” Part 1: Ethics for the Tax Professional: A bit of history, and overview of our e-file requirements and court cases that have impacted the regulation of tax preparers. Review select sections of Circular 230 and practice before the IRS as well as areas of the Taxpayer First Act and taxpayer rights. Tips on Powers of Attorney and Identity theft and other scams IRS is pursuing including the 2019 Dirty Dozen. And as always some tips on due diligence when preparing a tax return. CPE Credit: 1


“Do the Right Thing” Part 2: Ethics Due Diligence Responsibilities:  In Part 2 we explore non-filers and your obligations and due diligence in serving this special client. More on Due Diligence and Form 8867 and select sections of the Circular 230. What is privileged information and Disreputable conduct? CPE Credit: 1


“Do the Right Thing” Part 3: Frivolous Returns: In part 3 of this series we will review frivolous returns, voluntary compliance. We will delve into both and define the terms and some of the arguments taxpayers use to not pay tax. A must attend presentation as we look at the 16th amendment and the ethics associated with frivolous returns.  CPE Credit: 1


“Do the Right Thing” Part 4: Hot Button Issues of the OPR: In part 4 of this series we will continue to explore the frivolous return issue, identifying penalties, gross income, the issue of Federal Reserve Notes and Constitutional arguments. When done you will be able to identify terms used by “congressionally challenged” individuals who think they do not have to pay taxes due to the “voluntary” system. We will review §10.22 Due Diligence requirements under Circular 230, define due diligence responsibilities and the benefits, identify tips for meeting due diligence, and most importantly, the consequences of not meeting due diligence. CPE Credit: 1


Quarterly Tax Update: 3 Sessions (May, August & November): Join us as we explore significant tax announcement, procedure changes and other updates that have occurred since January 2020. This update will bring you current of Rev. Rul. and Procedures, Notices and additional guidance and other information needed to make sure you are at the top of your gain with guidance and changes. This “fill in the Gaps” webinar is a must for your practice. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Preparing for an IRS Audit: Your client is being audited? How do you prepare? Get the inside scoop from a former IRS Revenue Agent. Questions asked, documents you should review before the IRS does, analyzing bank deposits and much more. Be more ready than they are. The better you prepare the quicker the audit progresses. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 2


IRS Audited Your Client – Now What?: The audit is completed and adjustments were made, what is the next step? Once the audit is over, it is not complete until you amend the appropriate returns and make the appropriate changes. Are other issues present that must be addressed? Follow our step by step process to protect your client and avoid additional audits for the unsubstantiated issues.  CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


New W-4 Form: Withholding Tips and Check up: The audit is completed and adjustments were made, what is the next step? Once the audit is over, it is not complete until you amend the appropriate returns and make the appropriate changes. Are other issues present that must be addressed? Follow our step by step process to protect your client and avoid additional audits for the unsubstantiated issues. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


“You Can’t Always Get What You Want” Installment Agreements & Offer in Compromise: Installment agreements are simple and easier to implement than ever before. But, there are several things to consider concerning the type of agreement, how to qualify and more importantly keeping the agreement in force. How can you provide your client with a fresh start? We will discuss issues concerning Offer in Compromise – an overview on types of OIC, payment options, and how to calculate an amount that the IRS will agree to. What deductions are allowed? Join this discussion on implementing installment agreements that your client can adhere to and at the same time stay in compliance. CPE Credit: 1


IRC Sec 121 & the Primary Residence: The Internal Revenue Code has fortified home ownership through provisions allowing deductions for mortgage interest, mortgage insurance premium, real estate taxes and our webinar topic of the IRC Section 121 exclusion. This webinar will explore the tax consequences of qualified use, non-qualified use, conversion of primary residence to rental property, home office use, and other scenarios that have tax implications. CPE Credit: 1


Long Term Care Taxation: Your mature clients and dealing with Long-Term care issues will be the discussion for the hour. What is the difference between Chronically ill and terminally ill with in the tax structure of long term care. Tips for you and your clients concerning medical expenses and tracking. CPE Credit: 1


“Promises, Promises” Employee vs. Independent Contractor – Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP): Save your client some money and headaches if you have repeatedly counseled them on the issue of employee vs. independent contractor. The Voluntary Classification Settlement Program may be the right choice to get your client into compliance with treating their workers as employees. Learn about the process, how to qualify for the program and examples of tax savings your client will benefit from.  Be the hero for your client and show them the ins and outs of this IRS program, and gain a new client for payroll taxes. CPE Credit: 1


Centralized Partnership Audit Regime – Part I: Part I will review the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 and related legislative updates to the new Centralized Partnership Audit Regime (CPAR). This includes a comparison of TEFRA rules with the CPAR rules. It will include a review of the new terminology introduced by the legislation and regulations, a review of the audit process and the related forms associates with audits under CPAR. We will review alternative audit procedures and strategies designed to reduce the impact of the CPAR on the partnership, including the “push-out election”. CPE Credit: 1


“Centralized Partnership Audit Regime – Part II: Part II will review electing out of CPAR and the impact of applying the new “TEFRA” type rules for partnership audits. The webinar will discuss the importance of the “Partnership Representative”, state tax implications of CPAR, and the need for a (or an updated) partnership agreement. We’ll close out the webinar with a review of recent guidance issued by the IRS and Treasury in calendar years 2019 and 2020. CPE Credit: 1


“The Proof is in the Pudding” IRS Penalty Abatement – Reasonable Cause & Removal of Penalties: This course presents numerous topics within the subject of Reasonable Cause.  We will demonstrate how to navigate a first-time Abatement Program, using Form 843, Rev Procedure 84-35 (Partnership Returns), Written & Oral Advice from the IRS, advice from a tax professional or attorney, ordinary business care, lost or destroyed records, code, regulations, Internal Revenue Manual, and case law to support your reasonable cause position. Come join us for this indispensable webinar to assist your clients in their time of need. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


“Schedule K-1 Reporting – Notice 2019-66: This webinar will review the tax reporting guidance that will hopefully be issued after the Notice 2019-66. The plan is that the IRS will require the reporting on the 2020 Form 1065 Schedule K-1. The webinar will address the changes to reporting of tax basis capital accounts, the reporting of IRC §§704(c) and 754 transactions, reporting of guaranteed payments, QBI and other information. The webinar will highlight the difficulties in gathering documentation and any “safe harbor” relief that be permitted by the IRS. We will also review the impact of the Centralized Partnership Audit Regime on the key items that will now have to be reported on the 2020 Form 1065 Schedule K-1. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Tax Boot Camp Sessions: Filing Requirements It all starts with whether or not a person needs to file a tax return, but, also when to file. When a person should file even though they do not need to file, there is a difference and finally common misconception about filing a tax return. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Tax Boot Camp Sessions: Filing Status If you get this wrong, the whole tax return is wrong. This is also a difficult issue when it comes to determining the correct filing status based on family dynamics, we often face during tax season. Journey we us as we explore the various filing status and clarify which is the right status through examples. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 2


Tax Boot Camp Sessions: Dependents Dependents can be difficult, though the personal exemption has been suspended through 2025, there are other benefits a dependent is eligible for, so determining whether an individual qualified as a dependent can have a great impact on the tax return.   Starting with the basic we will cover the rules and then delve into some of the more complex relationships you may run into in your practice. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 2


Tax Boot Camp Sessions: Earned Income Tax Credit Due diligence is important here as we review the rules for the Earned Income Tax Credit and our due diligence responsibilities. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 2


Tax Boot Camp Sessions: Child Tax Credit & Additional Child Tax Credit Once again, we have heightened due diligence rules that we must cover as well as determining if our client qualifies for either of these two credits plus the new Dependent Credit enacted with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Join us as we review both credits and the forms required to be filed. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 2


Tax Boot Camp Sessions: American Opportunity Tax Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit  Monitoring the American Opportunity Tax Credit can be a challenge, as it is limited to 4 years.  And the Lifetime Learning Credit is an option once the AOTC is exhausted. What qualifies, what recordkeeping is needed, Form 1098-T and other issues will be discussed. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Tax Boot Camp Sessions: Navigating the Tax Forms We have the basics, now a review of the forms and how everything flows is necessary to show a correct and complete return. Forms covered will relate directly to the topics covered during the Tax Boot Camp. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


“Runnin’ Down a Dream” Retirement Plans Part 1: Contributions: The prospects of setting up the right type of retirement plan for clients can be intimidating.  However, as professionals, we need to be adequately versed in helping our clients set up effective retirement plans.  We will explore the various types of retirement plans and discuss their suitability under various client situations.  The learning objective will be to assist professionals in identifying a retirement plan solution that meet the multi-faceted goals of the Plan sponsor as well as the Plan participants. We will explore the tax and planning aspects of our private and public retirement plan systems and  discuss qualified plan arrangements, choosing the right small business plan, Regular IRAs (tax deferred) and Roth IRAs. CPE Credit: 1


“Leaving on a Jet Plane” Retirement Plans Part 2: Distributions:  Now that we have provided our participants with a financial “nest egg” designed to provided for adequate retirement security, how do we maximize the benefit through effective distribution strategies?  This webinar will explore the various types of retirement plan distributions, the income tax and potential tax consequences for early distributions and review the various rules for required minimum distributions (RMDs).  Also, we will present you with the important operational issues, including correction procedures and plan termination considerations. Join us for more details. CPE Credit: 1


“Turn the Page” Retirement Plans Part 3: What’s New in Retirement Planning: When this webinar is presented we will have had nine months to study, review and evaluate the SECURE Act. We will review the year end planning for both plan sponsors and plan participants. The webinar will highlight the impact of the elimination of the stretch IRA, the ability of plan sponsors to adopt retirement plans in 2021 and still receive tax favored status in 2020, and the impact of age 72 for required minimum distributions (and the impact of any change in the life expectancy table). We will also summary and highlight any guidance issued after the passage of the SECURE Act and its impact on our retirement planning for your clients. CPE Credit: 1


“A Change is Gonna Come”  §199A The 20% QBI Deduction Part 1: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has made significant changes to tax accounting methods, especially for clients with average gross receipts of $25M or less.  This webinar will provide a last-minute review before filing season starts. Topics covered in Part 1 include: basic calculations and charts to assist in tax preparation, a definition of a specified service trade or business, the meaning of “reputation or skill” clause, and what qualifies business income. We will define terms you need to know, guide you on determining UBIA of Qualified Property and discuss W-2 Wages for the purposes of §199A. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 2


“A Change is Gonna Come”  §199A The 20% QBI Deduction Part 2: Expanding what we learned in Part 1, we will present like-kind exchanges and involuntary conversions related to QBID, other Nonrecognition Transactions, allocation of UBIA of Qualified Property by a Relevant Passthrough Entity (RPE),  special rules such as De minimis rule, Services or Property Provided to an SSTB and other issues related to QBI. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 2


“A Change is Gonna Come”  §199A The 20% QBI Deduction Part 3: Building on what we presented in Parts 1 & 2, this webinar will include several examples of appropriate applications of §199A  20% Qualified Business Income. We will work through many different examples to ensure you are prepared.   CPE Credit/CE Hour: 2


“A Change is Gonna Come”  §199A The 20% QBI Deduction Part 4: Final Regulations are here!  Join us for a comprehensive review of the final regulations. What are the key takeaways that you will need to implement?  CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


“You Can’t Take It with You” Decedent and Final 1040: This course will present a definition of terms including income with regards to the decedent, filing dates, IRC § 454 regarding savings bonds, medical deductions, and separating income between the decedent and the estate. Why is it important to work with an attorney? What forms are required for certain income and expenses {1040, 1041, 706}. Who can file/sign the decedent return if no estate is open? What is the significance of IRC § 754 Step Up on decedent assets? What happens to the decedents capital losses? Join us for this important webinar on critical issues affecting the decedent. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


“Opportunity Knocks” Correcting Depreciation & Form 3115: IRS allows taxpayers to correct depreciation previously missed or deducted improperly. This webinar will give you an overview on Form 3315 and 1040X. When and How to File Form 3115 with examples. Also discussed will be IRC Section 481(a) adjustments, when and how to calculate and report. Finally, what’s new with Form 3115 and changes in accounting methods under TCJA. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


“Are You Lonesome Tonight?”: Divorce and its Various Tax Implications: What happens when your clients divorce?  What is the relevance of the tax professional assisting clients through this difficult time? We will discuss filing status, name change, joint & separate responsibility & liability, dependents and associated tax credits, retirement plans, alimony, child support, property settlements, allocating estimated payments, NOLs, and Capital Loss carryovers. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


“The Promised Land” Welfare Benefit Plans: This webinar is designed to discuss various welfare benefit arrangements designed to provides effective health plan arrangements for and by Employers for their employees. CPE Credit: 1


QBI: Determination of the UBIA of Qualified Property: What is Qualified Property?  The importance of current depreciation schedules and how and when the limitation of 2.5% of Qualified Property applies. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


QBI: Definition of a SSTB: Identifying when you have a Specified Service Trade or Business (SSTB) and how the QBI calculation and deduction applies. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


QBI: W-2 wages for purposes of QBI: Review of the three methods available to calculation W-2 wages for QBI purposes. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


QBI: Basic Calculation – Under the Thresholds – and Examples: The Basic QBI calculation, it was probably done by your software, but wouldn’t like to know how to calculate it for your clients for tax planning in 2019 and the future. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


QBI: Phase in Calculation and Examples: When your client is within the phase-in amounts, a special calculation needs to be done concerning wages and property. Join us as we put together the puzzle of QBI and the phase-in limitation issue. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


QBI: The Coop Calculation with Examples: You have a farming client, learn how the QBI calculation is impacted by the special “grain glitch” limitation. We are awaiting regulations which we hope will shed addition light on this issue. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


QBI: Special Rules – De Minimus, Reputation & Skill, 481 Adj and NOL: Some lessor discusses issues of QBI will be reviewed which may impact your client if you are unaware of these special provisions.  Another piece of the QBI puzzle will be addressed. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Gift Tax: Basic Compliance Issues: This webinar will focus on basic tax concepts of gifts or gratuitous transfer between individuals; when a Form 709 Gift Tax Return must be filed; and review of a sample gift tax return from a preparation and review standpoint; and times when gifts are reported on a decedents estate return (Form 706). CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Trust & Estates: Part 1: This webinar will focus on the Form 1041 return preparation review and delivery to a client. The types of trusts and the resulting Form 1041 filing. Also a fairly comprehensive example of a Form 1041 return filing. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Trust & Estates: Part 2: This webinar will focus on ten (10) issues or tax items that should be considered when dealing with trusts and estates. We’ll also cover the impact of QBI on estate and trusts in this webinar. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Trust & Estates: Part 3: The focus on this webinar will on planning techniques and various succession planning vehicles to transfer wealth between family generations during one’s lifetime (e.g., Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts (or IDGTs)). Also, we’ll touch on “post-mortem” planning which has an impact on all estate situations (i.e., you don’t have to have a large estate for effective planning opportunities. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Schedule C – Select Expenses and Recordkeeping: Join us as we review select expenses of the Schedule C small business.  The discussion will include, new law as it relates to meals and entertainment and an overview of ordinary and necessary expenses that small businesses generally incur. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Schedule C – Expenses and Audit Issues – Common Audited Issues: Additional Schedule C expenses and highly audited issues.  When sampling may be a good idea and what to do when IRS is auditing not only expenses but income using the bank deposit method. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


Schedule F – Farm Income and Schedule F: You have a farm client, income comes for various avenues. A general overview of the kind of income the farm may generate and how to place the income on the Schedule F. IRS matched certain lines, so it is important that we place income in the appropriate area. The discussion will be limited to income and some of the options farmers have to defer income. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


199A Trade or Business. Rentals and Choice of Entity under TCJA:  This webinar will present what is a Trade or Business under 199A. Are Rental properties a Trade or Business under 199A? We will discuss substantial authority and court cases to assist you in determining what is a Trade or Business. Finally, we will discuss a comparison of entities under the TCJA. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


“Electric Avenue” Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN), E-Services, PTINs and More: Join us for information on how to keep your EFIN current, navigating e-services and renewal of IP PTINs. Did you know IRS can “lock” you EFIN in the middle of filing season making you unable to e-file.  It’s important to keep that information current, addresses, key officials, etc. E-services is the electronic way of doing business with the IRS. Get answers sooner, get transcripts when needed. What estimates have been paid? With a filed Power of Attorney, you can use e-services to get the above information and save a call to IRS and save time. Other online applications will also be reviewed. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 1


“Reunited and It Feels So Good” Reconstruction of Records for Tax Compliance & Non-Filer IssuesThis course will focus on working with clients who are non-filers or are challenged in the record keeping arena. Learn tips on how to reconstruct records from the source information available, or IRS sources.  Some areas where reconstruction of records is important include: state or federal tax audits, tax return preparation, civil or criminal investigations, including supporting claims of embezzlement, theft, elder financial abuse, insurance fraud, contract disputes, and misappropriation of assets, divorce–supporting or refuting claims that accounts and financial data have been altered or income and assets have been hidden, spousal and child support income calculations.  Our discussion will center on tax related issues. CPE Credit/CE Hour: 2


*All webinars are approved for 1 CPE credit/CE Hour per hour. Program Level: Basic Pre-requisite: Basic comprehension of taxation, no advanced preparation required. * CFPs: Although Certified Financial Planners will receive 1 hour of CE credit for attending each of our 2021 webinars, none of the hours will qualify for CFP ethics credit.


Our Presenters

Larry Johnson, CPA

Larry, former tax manager in a “Top 100” CPA firm, currently provides professional services for a non-profit organization. His extensive experience includes tax preparation, tax planning, IRS representation, and estate planning for clients who range from the modest to the very wealthy and who have been involved in all sorts of businesses including manufacturing, farming, and services. Larry, who holds a Master of Science in Taxation, speaks regularly about taxes to a variety of audiences. His relaxed, “let’s talk about it” approach is perfect for presenting the tax topics and updates we cover at our Basics & Beyond, Inc. income tax seminars.

Kristy Maitre, EA

Currently a tax professional employed by a small firm in Iowa, Kristy brings her 27 years of IRS employee experience as well as her years with Iowa State University’s Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation, which makes a unique combination of experience and perspective to our speaker corps. Her experience at the IRS, including twelve years as the IRS’s Iowa tax practitioner “go to” person and seven years as an IRS Revenue Agent gives her the background to know how to handle the IRS bureaucracy. Kristy regularly demonstrates her ability to show practitioners how to minimize client tax liability and avoid practitioner compliance problems with the IRS.

Allan J. “A.J.” Reynolds, EA

A.J. is an enrolled agent (EA). He has immense experience in various areas in taxation, which encompasses over 30 years.  His practice centers on Individual, Business, and Estate Tax preparation. In addition, A.J. specializes in IRS Audits, Appeals, Collections, Innocent Spouse, Independent Contractor vs. Employee Issues and Civil Tax Fraud Representations.  A.J.’s clientele ranges from the average worker to fortune 500 executives. He brings his everyday “in the trenches” experience to the seminars to assist attendees with real issues facing tax professionals. A.J. has spoken for Basics + Beyond Income Tax Seminars, NTI Resort Conferences, NATP National Conference and Webinars, NAEA, and Center for Agriculture Law and Taxation of Iowa State University.  A.J. started his tax career with a National CPA firm in San Diego, CA after proudly serving five years in the United States Navy. Outside his tax practice, A.J. is a member of the Diocese of Sioux City Priests’ Pension & Welfare Board and the Investment Advisory Board for the Diocese. When not working, A.J.’s time is spent in various activities with his wife and their two children.

Michael R. Miranda, CPA, QKA, AEP

Michael is a Senior Manager with Williams & Company CPA PC headquartered in Sioux City, Iowa. He currently resides in the Firm’s Sioux Falls, South Dakota office. He joined the firm in July 1989, with over 13 years previous experience as a Tax Specialist in public accounting. Michael provides tax consulting, estate planning and employee benefit services. The tax areas include corporate, individual, partnership, estate and gift, and tax accounting. The employee benefit areas include employee benefit planning and consultation services for qualified and non-qualified plan and welfare benefit plans. Prior to joining Williams & Company, he was on staff as a Tax Specialist with Price Waterhouse in offices at South Bend and Minneapolis, providing tax and estate planning for individuals and small to medium-sized businesses. Professional affiliations include membership in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the South Dakota Society of Certified Public Accountants, and the American Society of Pension Professional Actuaries (ASPPA). In December 2007 he received the ASPPA QKA designation. Michael is also a member of the National Association of Estate Planning Councils (receiving the Accredited Estate Planning (AEP) designation in October 2014). He is currently the Treasurer and Liaison Board member for the Sioux Falls Estate Planning Councils. He currently holds CPA licenses in the states of Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota.

Kurt Konek, CPA

Kurt brings more than 25 years of certified public accounting experience to his teaching. His CPA firm, Konek PC, recently merged with Tarbell & Co., P.L.C.  Kurt acquired his practice 1996 and overtime expanded the firm to 4 location and 15 team members.   Kurt is a member of the AICPA and is a designated Charter Global Management Accountant.  He also chaired the Taxation Committee of the Iowa Society of CPAs.  Kurt is a graduate of Iowa State University.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1550772200311{background-color: #5b5b5b !important;}”][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Register Now” color=”warning” align=”center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fregister.cpehours.com%2F|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]